I want a snack, please.

Snacking is an American way of life. Many have stashes of snack food in drawers at work, secrete places in the bedroom, and in the freezer right above the frostbitten frozen vegetables purchased 3 months ago in an attempt to eat more healthy. I’m a sucker for sweets just like the next but by making healthier choices, calories can decrease, vitamins can increase, and feelings of more energy can come.

Below is a chart of healthy snacks along with the nutritional values.

Here are also some other healthy choices:

Raw Almonds. 139 calories/serving

Raw Mixed Nuts. 178 calories/ serving 

Dried Fruit. 97 calories/ serving

Mandarin. 95 calories/ serving

Apple. 96 calories/ serving

Banana. 105 calories/ serving

Grapes. 148 calories/ serving

Tuna. 99 calories/ serving

Dried Peas. 72 calories/ serving

Popcorn air-popped. 62 calories/ serving

Baby Carrots. 60 calories/ serving

Celery & Hummus. 108 calories/ serving

Cherry Tomatoes. 27 calories/ serving

Whole-grain Crispbread with Cottage Cheese. 70 calories/ serving

Bean Salad. 90 calories/ serving
  There are many different options available to those seeking to make small habits in eating in order to increase health. Schools around the United States are seeking to ensure healthy snack options to students at school. Also, through these small changes we each make in our eating habits, we can increase our daily nutrition and consume the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. I

3 responses to this post.

  1. Popcorn is my weakness. And as long as it’s the healthy pop or 94% fat free, I think it’s in the healthy range. I know that air-popped is better, but for convenience-sake, the stuff is to die for. Snacking is definitely a way of life for most people and thank goodness we have better knowledge and access to healthier stuff. I will admit though, that I have no idea what you’re talking about when you say “wholegrain crispbread.”


  2. A list of healthy snacks is such a good resource. When you just want something to eat, or something to pack to school to eat mid-afternoon, it’s so easy to just grab a cookie. But I think if we know what our options are, it’s so much easier to eat healthy.


  3. This is great. I think that a lot of people want to eat healthier they just don’t know what to eat. I heard that it is healthier to have small snacks throughout the day so that you don’t eat as much during mealtime. This is a great list of things that we can eat that are healthy. More people need to know about these options.


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